Examination Scheme


C.B.S.E. has changed the examination pattern of C.C.E. with new examination system. According to this system, rules are as follows.

  1. There will be two main exam one Half yearly and other Annual followed be four Periodical Tests. (Though C.B.S.E. has recommended 3 Periodical test out of which two best will be taken into consideration, but Gurukul has decided to make this periodical test from 3 to 4 as it suits our system)
  2. Both Half yearly and Annual examination will be of 80 marks with the subject concern and 10 marks will be added from Periodical test and 10 from subject enrichment programme.
  3. Two periodical tests will be conducted before Half yearly examination and rest two are before Annual examination. Each periodical test will be of 20 marks. 10 marks will be added with the half of the average of the two consecutive periodical tests in Half yearly and Annual examination both.
  4. In subject enrichment of 10 marks, 5 will be taken as Reading and Listening skill and 5 will be from Project work and Lab activities.
  5. Question of Annual Examination of class X will be sent by the Board.